Ambit Energy FAQs

My question is...

“I’m logged in, how do I use the Ambit Energy Customer Skill for Amazon Alexa?”
Are there additional fees when I get disconnected or reconnect service?
Can I access my Ambit billing history online?
Can I enroll in paperless billing?
Can I have Ambit Energy service in my apartment?
Can I have Ambit Energy service in my apartment?
Can I set up my bill to be paid via automatic payments?
Can I still qualify for Free Energy on the Ambit Wholesale Club plan?
Can I switch to another Ambit product without penalty, like an early termination fee?
Can I use any kind of thermostat with Ambit Energy?
Can my deposit be waived?
Can two names be included on a bill?
Can you explain some of the terms used in the Ambit Wholesale Club EFL? 
Do I need a MyAmbit Account ID and Password to use the Ambit Energy Customer Skill for Amazon Alexa?
Do I need a MyAmbit Account user ID and password to use the app?
Do I need any special equipment to participate in Power Payback?
Does Ambit Energy offer electricity service in my state or market?
Does Ambit Energy offer natural gas service in my state or market?
Does Ambit offer any discounts?
Does Ambit offer renewable energy plans?
Does my personal account count as one of my 15 qualified Customers to earn Free Energy?
How can I add additional authorized contacts to my account?
How can I contact Ambit Energy?
How can I easily track real-time prices so I can adjust my electricity usage accordingly?
How can I lower my bill?
How can I make a payment?
How can I monitor my electricity usage?
How can I reduce my energy usage?
How can I see the usage and plan details for separate service addresses?
How can I tell what my current plan and/or energy rate is?
How can I tell what rate zone or region am I in?
How do I become an Ambit Energy Customer?
How do I become an Independent Ambit Consultant?
How do I calculate my Ambit Wholesale Club price per kWh?
How do I change or remove a payment method on file?
How do I complete the Quick Renewal?
How do I get the App?
How do I know if Ambit can offer electricity and/or natural gas at my house?
How do I know if I have a Smart Meter?
How do I know if I have a Smart Meter?
How do I renew my plan?
How do I set up the Ambit Energy Customer Skill for Amazon Alexa?
How do I sign-up to participate in Power Payback?
How do I switch my language preference to/from English/Spanish
How do I unsubscribe from emails?
How do I view my usage history?
How do I view my usage history?
How does the Guaranteed Savings Plan work?
How is my Free Energy credit calculated?
How is the bill credit for Power Payback calculated?
How is the savings calculation done?
How long does it take to switch my service to Ambit Energy?
How to find my current balance?
How was Ambit Energy started?
How will I know if I qualified to receive a credit for Power Payback?
How will I know when I need to cut back on my electricity?
I didn’t receive notification of an energy savings event. How can I receive one in the future?
I forgot my MyAmbit password. What do I do?
I was assessed a deposit. When do I get my deposit back?
I’d like to earn a credit through Power Payback; how can I reduce my energy consumption?
I’m currently on a fixed rate plan, can my rate change over time?
I’m currently on a variable rate plan; can my rate change over time?
If I switch, will my service be affected or will I lose power during the switch?
If one of my referrals is in another state, will that still count towards my Free Energy?
In which states is Ambit Energy available?
In which states is Ambit Energy available?
Is a Smart Meter required for service?
Is a Smart Meter Required for Service?
Is Ambit Energy Services available for Commercial Customers?
Is the Ambit Wholesale Club plan the right plan for me?
My service area offers both Ambit electricity and gas – how will Free Energy work?
What are some ways that I can reduce my electricity consumption?
What are the benefits of choosing Ambit Energy as my electricity supplier?
What are tiered rate product plans and how do they work?
What can the Ambit Energy Customer Skill for Amazon Alexa help me with?
What do I need to do to receive a Quick Renewal email notice?
What does A/C Heat Shield cover?  How does it work?
What does Ambit Energy charge to switch?
What does Ambit Surge Protection cover?  How does it work?
What does Ambit Surge Protection cover?  How does it work?
What does an Ambit Energy bill look like?
What happens if I cancel with Ambit before 24 months?
What happens if I have fewer than 15 Customers?
What happens if I have more than 15 Customers?
What happens if I move?
What happens if one of my Customers becomes an Ambit Energy Consultant?
What happens if one of my referral Customers earns Free Energy?
What if I decide the Ambit Wholesale Club is not right for me?
What if I’m having problems with the Ambit Energy App?
What if I’m having problems with the Ambit Energy Customer Skill?
What if the calculation shows I have no savings?
What if the date of birth does not match?
What is a Smart Meter?
What Is a Smart Meter?
What is a TDU, and why do I get charges from them if my service is through Ambit?
What is Ambit Cares?
What is an “energy cost?”
What is an Alexa Skill?
What is an ESI ID, and where can I find it?
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Ambit Energy Frequently Asked Questions

Knowledge is a powerful tool. That’s why we’ve put together this collection of some of the most common questions we get about Ambit Energy and the way we conduct business. Please take a few seconds to see if we’ve already talked about what you need to know. If we haven’t, you can always contact us for more information.

Top Five Questions


What are tiered rate product plans and how do they work?

An energy rate is assigned to usage buckets (tiers). As usage is received it is rated in a corresponding tier to determine the charges on your bill. The example displays how tiered rating functions. For product specific details please see your EFL.

bill account details

¿Qué son los planes de producto de tarifa por nivel y cómo funcionan?

Una tarifa de energía es asignada a categorías de consumo (niveles). A medida que la información de consumo es recibida es clasificada en un nivel correspondiente para determinar los cargos en su factura. El ejemplo muestra cómo funcionan las tarifas por niveles. Para detalles específicos del producto por favor vea su EFL.

Permalink to FAQ: What are tiered rate product plans and how do they work? →


Does Ambit offer any discounts?

Texas Customers
Yes, Ambit Energy offers you the opportunity to earn a discount through our E-Plan, which requires continued enrollment in paperless billing and automatic payment on most 12- and 24-month term plans. You can enroll in E-Plan any time using MyAmbit Account or by contacting Customer Care at (877) 282-6248.

Qualifying plans are:

  • Lone Star Plus 12
  • Texas Plus 12
  • Lone Star Basics 12
  • Texas Basics 12
  • Lone Star Classic 24
  • Texas Classic 24
  • Ambit Green Texas - 12

¿Ambit ofrece descuentos?

Clientes de Texas
Sí, Ambit Energy te ofrece la oportunidad de ganar un descuento a través de nuestro E-Plan, el cual requiere una inscripción continua en facturación electrónica y pagos automáticos en la mayoría de los planes a plazo de 12 y 24 meses. Puedes inscribirte en el E-Plan en cualquier momento al ingresar a la Cuenta MyAmbit o al comunicarte con Servicio al Cliente al (877) 282-6248.

Los planes que califican son:

  • Lone Star Plus 12
  • Texas Plus 12
  • Lone Star Basics 12
  • Texas Basics 12
  • Lone Star Classic 24
  • Texas Classic 24
  • Ambit Green Texas - 12

Permalink to FAQ: Does Ambit offer any discounts? →


What is the exact time I will be reconnected?

Texas Customers
Reconnect orders placed with your utility are processed promptly after payment is received. Unfortunately we cannot provide the exact time service will be restored as this is based on the workload of the utility.

Non-Texas Customers
Customers outside of Texas will not be disconnected through Ambit Energy, but through your local provider. For questions regarding your service reconnection, please contact your local utility.

¿Cuál es la hora precisa en que mi servicio será reconectado?

Clientes de Texas
Las órdenes de reconexión hechas con su empresa de servicios público son procesadas pronto después de que el pago sea recibido. Desafortunadamente no podemos proporcionar la hora exacta en que su servicio será restaurado debido a que está basado en la carga de trabajo de la empresa de servicios públicos.

Clientes Fuera de Texas
Los Clientes fuera de Texas no serán desconectados por medio de Ambit Energy, sino por su proveedor local de servicios públicos. Para preguntas con respecto a su conexión de servicio, comuníquese con su empresa local de servicios públicos.

Permalink to FAQ: What is the exact time I will be reconnected? →


How do I renew my plan?

Convenient options to renew your agreement include: Online through your MyAmbit Account or by calling Customer Care at (877) 282-6248.

¿Cómo renuevo mi plan?

Las opciones convenientes para renovar tu acuerdo incluyen: en línea por medio de tu Cuenta MyAmbit o al llamar a Servicio al Cliente al (877) 282-6248.

Permalink to FAQ: How do I renew my plan? →


What happens if I move?

If you are moving within the same service area, just give us a call and update your address. Ambit's contact information is available on our Contact Us page. If you are moving out of the area, call Customer Care or check to see if we provide energy to your new address.

¿Qué sucede si me mudo?

Si se está mudando dentro de la misma área de servicio, solo llámenos y actualizaremos su dirección. Aquí está la información de contacto de Ambit. Si se está mudando fuera del área, comuníquese con Servicio al Cliente o confirme si proveemos energía a su nueva dirección.

Permalink to FAQ: What happens if I move? →

FAQ Topics